
Five questions to ask when developing thermoformed assembly trays

Posted by Chandler Slavin on Nov 13, 2024 1:21:54 PM

When developing thermoformed assembly trays, a detailed understanding of the robotic platforms that will be handling the trays must be ascertained. These include specifics on the robotic fixtures, tray locators, pinchers, and tray orientation and loading system. If there is no existing fixture, collaboration between the equipment maker/customer/ thermoform tray supplier will determine the most efficient design to facilitate the goals of the automated parts assembly operations.

Thermoformed assembly tray

1. Is there an existing robotic fixture? If so, what is the design, in detail (request 3D model file).

Fixtures are specialized equipment used to position thermoformed trays in the automation equipment during the assembly process. Fixtures ensure that each assembly tray is oriented accurately in relation to the robotic system, allowing robots to perform tasks like picking and placing parts consistently.

2. How does the assembly tray locate within the fixture?

The thermoformed tray must have formed features that allow the automation equipment to locate the tray within the fixture. It is industry standard to locate on the form sidewall, not the flange, due to die cut registration tolerances.

3. What are the robot pincher’s specs? What is the shape, how far do they open, and how deep do they penetrate into the product (request 3D model file).

Robotic pinchers enable the robot to pick up, hold, and place objects in automated processes. Specifications on the existing pinchers is crucial to designing the assembly tray as it impacts the size and shape of the product cavity and cavity progression.

4. How is the tray robotically loaded? Is it placed on a moving conveyor belt, or does it go into a chute first before being fed onto the assembly line? 

5. What is the orientation of loading stacked trays with product into the automation system? Can the trays be removed from a stack and rotated by automation or manually into a chute?

The entire tray handling process, from how the assembly trays are introduced to the robotic platform to how they locate in the automation cell must be understood to develop high-performing assembly trays for automated parts assemblies. Access to model files of the fixture and pinchers expedite the thermoformed assembly tray developmental process and confirms that the tray design integrates with the automation as required. By understanding the robotic equipment that handles the trays throughout its lifecycle, thermoformed assembly trays are designed to efficiently and consistently facilitate automated parts assembly operations. 

Topics: thermoformed trays, assembly trays, dunnage trays