My understanding of climate change is always evolving. While fundamental changes in agriculture, transportation, energy, and consumer behavior are necessary to reduce the generation of greenhouse gases, I know little of what technologies exist, in the near future, to "turn the tide on climate change."
Enter Project Vesta, a not-for-profit that is working to accelerate Earth's natural long-term carbon cycle that removes CO2 from the atmosphere through a chemical reaction between volcanic rock, CO2, and water, with green beaches! And when I say green, I mean literally, green.
The rock is called olivine, also known as Peridot, the bright green birthstone for the month of August. The "most optimal volcanic rock," when placed on "high energy beaches...gets broken down into small pieces that dramatically accelerate the chemical reaction that powers Earth's natural CO2 removal cycle."
While it is too soon to say what the scalability of this technology will look like, those championing this approach to CO2 removal have certainly dotted their i's and crossed their t's.
Visit the website for all information. And everyone in my family is getting the grain of hope necklace for the holiday this year; their children will thank me 😉